So I guess I'll talk about my career decision for a little while since there's nothing else to talk about. ha....
My major is Fashion Merchandising. Many people don't understand why in the world I would chose something that seems more like a "hobby" to be my career choice. They just think that it's not something that would "pay the bills" but life is waaay to short to pick a career that I'm not in love with. I love fashion and everything about it. I love how a simple little fabric can tell you soo much about a person. I believe that what you wear can tell a lot about yourself. Most people don't really understand that. And for the most part I think it's really the area that I live in. Virginia is where most people major in medicine and have their own practices and whatever. No one here really has the courage to step outside of their comfort zone and take risk. I just hope my dreams become my reality so I'll finally one day be able to prove myself right.
Reading your last blog and this on it's good you're following your dreams and what you enjoy and being comfortable in your own skin and sharing it. I love fashion and design, it's awesome you're going into the industry. I don't think it's less than any other job yes it may not pay as much as most jobs, you rather live your life doing what you love and enjoy than doing something you're not passionate about. Good Luck!