Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"How to become a Writer"

     Okaaaaaay.... so I realized how late I am starting these blog post! Better late than never right? lol.

Anyway, I want to discuss how I feel about the first story we read in class called "How to become

a Writer" by Lorrie Moore. I loved this story the most because I felt like it was the only one I can

REALLY connect with. In the story Francie is debating on which career path she will take, although

she always knew what she wanted all along. She wanted to be a writer even though she has faced

hard criticism from her family and teacher. I can relate to francie's story because I have always felt

as if I wasn't choosing the right career path and I was always afraid to hear about what others might

have thought. After a while, like Francie, I realized that it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks.

You should do what you want because YOU want to. This story really help me realize even more

to not worry about what others may say, as long as you feel like you're doing the right thing for your

life, that's all that really matters.

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